Tag business

So … Where Are All The People At?

where are all the people
Here's a question for today: Are you in a situation where you're waiting for an audience that isn't there? Or providing a product that's simply not attractive to an existing audience? And even if that's the case, how do you find out?

Top 20 WordPress Business Themes – Comparison

I've always been fascinated with WordPress themes for some reason, and particularly WordPress business themes. Probably because they allow us to change virtually everything about our sites in just seconds, via a simple "activate" button under a new theme.

What Being Drunk Can Teach You About Life and Online Business

Admitting that I'm a bit drunk at the time of writing is probably not the most professional way of starting an article, ain't it? Okay, I'm not really drunk because it would be difficult to put some decent words together, but I am drinking beer just to get into the right mindset.

How to Make Your Existing Customers Hate You for Getting This One Thing Wrong

Here's the core of the problem. Too many businesses (online and offline) tend to focus only on getting new customers and forget about taking care of the existing ones. For instance, have you ever seen a TV ad of a mobile network in which they're announcing that everyone who signs up for their services will receive a new iPhone for $10 (or something similar)?

Not Feeling Productive Today? Try This Simple Approach

Not every day is mighty productive ... I'm sure you can relate to this. Sometimes you just don't feel like doing anything valuable even though you know you should. Being able to come to work with the same amount of productivity in you every day is next to impossible...

Make Smart Procrastination Your BEST Friend

Procrastination has quite a bad publicity online these days. People start to understand how dangerous it is and how bad it can get over time if you don't do anything about it.