Tag business

[Real-Talk] 19 Things You Need to Do if You Want to Be Successful

I don't usually repost stuff. Actually, I never repost stuff. But there's this one short article I stumbled upon at Business Insider that hit a complete home run with me and I knew I had to share it with you guys. The article's so true. It's so accurate. It's so relevant to anyone who's doing anything that can be considered "business."

Here’s a Handy Roadmap for Anyone Scared of WordPress

Let's not fool ourselves here ... WordPress is a complicated thing. And no matter what most tutorials on the web try to say, getting a good grasp on it does take some time indeed. So what I want to show you today is a slightly different approach to WordPress.

Which Is the Best To-Do List Manager / Task Manager? Top 5 Tools Compared

A productivity tool does come handy. That's for sure. But which one to use? This is the question we'll answer today. Let's have a look at all 5 tools, their strong and weak sides, their purpose, their level of simplicity, their ease of use, their feature-richness, their GTD-friendliness, and their (assumed) target group of users.

9 Minutes of Inspiration That Will Change Your Life

Today, I bring you Rocky. Or Sylvester Stallone if you prefer to use his real name. Sly is one of THE action film heroes. He is also the person with the most inspiring success story in the history of ever.

How to Learn SEO Online If You’re a Beginner (and an Online Business Owner)?

If you want to find out how to learn SEO online then it seems like it's a topic that's fairly well-covered as it is. I mean, there are sites like Moz.com, Search Engine Journal and so on. But as it turns out, they are more about the in-the-trenches practices and advice for people who are already deep into SEO. But what if you're just starting out?

The 10 Online Snake Oil Salesman Commandments

Yes, today we're all over online snake oil salesman! Maybe you've noticed that I quite enjoy writing posts on the dark side of online business, or more precisely, the dark side of online business education. In other words, I love to stumble upon some hip new douchebag marketer techniques, also known as online snake oil salesmen (in memory of their idols from back in the day in the wild west).

Online Entrepreneur on Vacation? What to Do to Keep Your Finger on the Pulse

The topic of doing this or that while on vacation is quite popular among online business people of today, otherwise known as online entrepreneurs. I guess the main reason is that many people find it hard to detach completely during their vacation time and to forget about all forms of work altogether. And, to be honest, I'm somewhat that type of a person too.

42 Fill-in-the-Blank Blog Post Headline Templates

I personally love templates. I've always been a fan of finding some structured solutions for common problems or challenges that appear frequently in our lives. For example, why would you try to reinvent the wheel, so to speak, with every headline you write, when you can just use a tested template, something that others have been using for years.