Tag social media

10 Types of Spam to Be Aware of When Browsing Your Inbox

I decided to follow up on the topic of spam and point out some specific types of unwanted email that we're attacked with on a daily (again, that's daily) basis. I'm publishing this list as a kind of a strange resource just to keep us on our toes when going through our inboxes.

Does Sending Mass Emails (Spam) Work for Grey-Area Online Entrepreneurs?

So the other day I got an email. After giving it a thorough 3-second examination, it went straight to my spam folder. Then after a couple of hours, I went back to see it again as it actually was one of the most out of place spam emails I received in a while. It was trying to sound like it was a personally crafted email by a real human who actually visited my site and then wrote the thing. But in the end, it was a lame attempt, mainly because of the topic of the email, which made it clear that the person was just sending mass emails. See for yourself.

The 6 Pillars of Online Business

The trick with online business is that it's not the most intuitive line of career out there. If you want to be successful, you have to understand the main pillars and take some action to put them in place.

How to Make Your Existing Customers Hate You for Getting This One Thing Wrong

Here's the core of the problem. Too many businesses (online and offline) tend to focus only on getting new customers and forget about taking care of the existing ones. For instance, have you ever seen a TV ad of a mobile network in which they're announcing that everyone who signs up for their services will receive a new iPhone for $10 (or something similar)?