Tag Online Business

How to Mess Up Your Online Business in Just 7 Simple Steps

It's funny how easy it is to mess up something that you've been building for months or even years. Although maybe funny is not the word I'm looking for... Peculiar - that's the one! Anyway, today it's all about taking a broader look at our businesses and our personal behavior as online entrepreneurs. All this so we don't have to witness our efforts go down the drain one day.

How Often Should an Online Business Redesign Their Website

For some websites, big redesigns tend to turn into major events in the online community. For instance, every time YouTube rolled out an update, there were tons of people commenting it, expressing their opinions, and being ultra-interested in the whole thing in general. But what about small online businesses?

Best Online Marketing Tools and Techniques

In other words: what to use if you're an online business owner who wants to get the best online marketing tools and techniques. This post is a kind of a resource pack. However, I didn't want to turn it into a meaningless link list containing multiple alternatives to one task. Instead, I focused on providing just one tool for each individual part of online business related work.

Web Hosting for Online Business – Complete Guide

This guide is about every aspect of web hosting that might be important to an online business owner (at least every aspect I know of). You can follow the advice step by step or just pick the elements that seem to be the most significant for your current situation.

What Being Drunk Can Teach You About Life and Online Business

Admitting that I'm a bit drunk at the time of writing is probably not the most professional way of starting an article, ain't it? Okay, I'm not really drunk because it would be difficult to put some decent words together, but I am drinking beer just to get into the right mindset.

Not Feeling Productive Today? Try This Simple Approach

Not every day is mighty productive ... I'm sure you can relate to this. Sometimes you just don't feel like doing anything valuable even though you know you should. Being able to come to work with the same amount of productivity in you every day is next to impossible...